View Profile Emptygoddess
Some day, i wish to be taller then i am today.

Jilliums Hilliums @Emptygoddess

Age 39, Female

Liver of life

Cool place


Joined on 3/13/07

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I plan to live forever. (and ever)

Posted by Emptygoddess - March 3rd, 2008

Eternity is a long time. Perhaps the longest time any of us can ever expect to consider. What with it being eternity. If it's all the same to everyone else, I kind of want to see it.

But how to best achieve eternity? That's a question that is often asked. I mean we have lots of options, genetic... thingamabobs. Cloning. Having a brain downloaded to the computer... none of those sound all that fun, and have moral ambiguities. I mean is a clone really me? Is an electronic version really me? Probably, but it's all twisty and snaky and not something I need to deal with.

So I think I'll go with plan Gamma. Having my brain put in a robot. I mean when someone gets a cool robot leg after their leg gets bit off by a shark, they aren't suddenly inhuman. They may be cyborg freaks who will one day turn on us normies, but they're still the same person. So I'm just going to replace everything else. Get a nice robot body, all set up to keep my brain alive forever...

Though knowing me it probably won't actually take very good care of my brain, which is a problem. But at least I'll be more likely to see eternity then you suckers. On top of that, I'll have a buzz saw arm. BZZZzrrrrzzzznnnnn! Nrrrrnnnnnnzzzzzzrnnnnk! Saw through anything I want. Yet another reason to go for the robot body.


i wish you luck

I wish me luck to! Thanks!

Make sure you put a big silk cushion in the brain dept. so your all nice and comfortable forever! Also, make sure you sit your brain in just the right spot, or you might end up on an annoying little crease or fold that you can never move properly, and end up being uncomfortable for all of eternity instead! :(

Good luck! :)


My cushion will be made out of the shattered dreams of the fallen I had to step upon to reach immortality. (also satin)

...I would have gone for the lazer blaster, but hey, thats just me.

And that, is why you will not live forever.

Ooh, buzzsaw. Nice touch. Personally, lasers, laser cannons, laser beams, lasers, and laser guns are preferred by me.

that is also why you will not live forever.

Dewd, I hate to break your cool here, but the brain is an organ just like any other, in wich it needs oxygen to function, and thus oxidates. If something oxidates, it rusts. If it rusts too much, it dies. Ever wondered why we get old? Because we breathe.

Well, that's a gross oversimplification of the aging process. There is no 'one' reason why we get old. Especially not because 'we breathe'. Any more then we get old because of the protective telomeres present at the ends of chromosomes getting shorter with each time a cell replicates and divides, leaving the chromosome unprotected.

It isn't that, but is not helped by that. It is a combination of many factors.

As for my brain, it would be in a homeostatic environment, perfectly cared for nutrient and otherwise, kept in a state of near perpetual motion of survivability, thanks to my awesome robot body. That's the whole point of the robot body! It's like iron man see, only instead of his robot body keeping his heart alive, thanks to magic, my robot body keeps my brain alive. Thanks to magic. (as magic can solve all aging problems. Thanks to you know... magic.)

Also, we all die, because of dark magic. (which is all around us.) this is why my robot will be built, using good magic.

Oh, and yes, if you stop breathing, you will indeed stop aging. It does have other adverse side effects though.

ill see you in hell

Probably. Hopefully I'll just be visiting.

Thanks Douglas Adams...

Do not thank a dead person for my own immortality. that's like thanking a blind person for the beautiful painting i stole after he completed it just before going blind.

I just had deja vu (or whatever) I could have sworn I've seen this before.

Anyway, I would have gone with a laser blaster instead of teh buzz saw. but whatever.

you... just responded to it, like an hour ago... and you said the exact same thing, minus the déjà vu. So... I think we can pretty much guarantee that the déjà vu feeling is not just in your head.

Actually I decided a while ago that I was going to go into the neural implant field just so that I can bring this sort of thing closer to a reality. I think it'd be personally cooler though to expand the limits of humanity, but that's cause I'm a loser and I haven't gotten out much lately.

Anyway, seriously, this is like my dream. Not just immortality. Immortality PLUS robot-thing.

I will forgive you for any loserness you may have, if you make the robot revolution a reality.

now... y would u want to live for ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever, I mean all ur freinds would be dead and all that stuff, it would be borin, just like in dat movie about the robot... I saw it back when I couldnt speak englsh lol dont rememba the name

Hey, it's not MY fault they didn't get robot bodies as well. Guess they weren't really my friends.

i plan to get there first, and i'll have a super special awesome buzzsaw that shoots lazers. And a missile pod on my shoulder. Then I'll wait in eternity for someone to showup and BOOM! then you'll know that i got there first.

No need to be all competitive about it.

Eternity is nothing, iInfinity is where the money is these days. And i'm reaching those sunny shores using newfangled magics and whatnot.
1.5 thumbs up for you.

so.... you cut off half a thumb? or what? I'm getting a really gross visual here.


much more dangerous then a single tank man.

Yeeeeah....But you see, you sacrifice the fact that you can feel the world. Like....er...Touch? I would say the best bet is that there really is no forever because in a couple billion years, the sun'll go asplodo and kill us all. And if you're a robot, only suicide can come of drifting in space as a little head for all eternity. But wait, you're only a head and you can't die. Aw crap.

I have considered the possibilities of a dark universe and am fairly certain I can survive, and even have a cool party.