View Profile Emptygoddess
Some day, i wish to be taller then i am today.

Jilliums Hilliums @Emptygoddess

Age 39, Female

Liver of life

Cool place


Joined on 3/13/07

Exp Points:
1,722 / 1,880
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Vote Power:
5.51 votes
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B/P Bonus:
7y 1m 17d

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Latest News



Yolk Heroes has launched!

Greetings fellow humans.

I've been working hard on Yolk Heroes: A Long Tamago for about two years now.

It was supposed to take 8 months.

We're going to be releasing in Japan and China which I've always wanted to do. You have no idea how much I want to be 'Big In Japan!' I would KILL to be Big in Japan. This game was obviously inspired a lot by Dragon Quest and it oozes in every pixel of the game. The early virtual pet games, the one where you were looking after a dinosaur and it looked like a little green egg, and all those dumb games like Cookie Clicker and Progress Quest.

The game is meant to be a toy. A companion game. Something for you to enjoy and have and own. It has no micro transactions and it isn't very expensive. It's meant to be a Virtual Pet Game, a JRPG, and an Idle Game. It's also meant to be something kind of new. You know, a new thing that I invented (By stealing ideas from everyone else).

When I say *I* have been working hard on Yolk Heroes for two years, I mean a team of people who have been nice enough to trust that the things I ask them to do is working to some kind of cohesive whole. Today is the day I wonder if I've done a good job as a leader. However, without a doubt, my entire team has been amazing. Everyone who has worked on this game went above and beyond. I only hope the final product does their individual work even a little bit of justice.

There are a lot of features and balance fixes I want to do, and there will be a lot of bugs found by players (I'm sure) right off the bat. The team will be trying to respond to any player input, especially in this first week.

Thank you for trusting us enough to try out our little indie game.

Hope you have fun.

If you don't play it, I hate you.


Matthew Ritter


Recent Game Medals

2,955 Points

Yolk Heroes 5 Points

Check out Yolk Heroes

Romantic Gesture 10 Points

Who wouldn't want to be a pig

Disgusting! Very good! 10 Points

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Secret Medal ????? Points

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One Step Too Far 25 Points

Save the witch doctor

Secret Medal ????? Points

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Gut Reaction 25 Points

Get past the triceratops

Firestarter 25 Points

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Lives Worth Living! 100 Points

You found all 29 different endings!

Hellfire Injection 10 Points

Time paid life's bill.