View Profile Emptygoddess
Some day, i wish to be taller then i am today.

Jilliums Hilliums @Emptygoddess

Age 39, Female

Liver of life

Cool place


Joined on 3/13/07

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I hate everything you love.

Posted by Emptygoddess - January 14th, 2008

That's right. I do. If you love something, with a passion, a great unbridled disturbing (not quite sexual but sometimes seeming to border upon it) passion, I most likely hate it. Or more appropriately, will come to hate it. It won't happen all at once no, not all at once, it will be a slow gradual process.

Perhaps I also once loved this thing, person, whatever. Perhaps I'm even the one that lead you to it, so you could start your own obsessive devotion. Maybe its just your youngest grandchild who plays baseball. It doesn't really matter. If we are in contact, and you decide the best way to show your love is to constantly talk to me about it. I will start to hate it.

You're not trying to make me hate it. I understand. You just love it so much. You love the way your grandchild almost caught that home run. Or the way luke skywalker's lightsaber is green and goes wooorsh. Or how johny depp is like totally the hottest guy like ever dijaknow? Or that Japanese animation is just so cool and the girls are so hot and....

It's not the subject matter that causes the hatred. It's you. Its your obsessive neurotic won't stop talking about it on and on and on nature that makes me hate it. Makes me hate you a little bit to. Yeah that's right. I said it. I kinda hate you. I kinda hate luke skywalker, your grandchild, johny depp, and Japanese cartoons. I kinda hate alot of other stuff you love as well.

I'll sit there, pretending to listen, but there's only so many times I can hear about the same subject and how much it 'rocks' or how it's 'the best episode ever' or how cool it was that guy did that kick flip. Yeah I hate the bible, and no I'm not anti religion, but you just have to keep preaching about how its going to save my soul and is the greatest thing sense sliced bread. WHICH i might add, no matter how much you love it, is not as cool as it seems. I hate sliced bread as well! Cutting bread isn't that hard, and no one ever raves about uncut bread. Oh but they rave about fresh baked bread.... and i hate that as well.

I hate Harry potter. I hate king Arthur and his whole band of knights. I can't stand anything to do with Zelda 64. It was a good game, but seriously, it wasn't religious. There was nothing 'orgasmic' about it. stop using the word orgasmic to refer to games anyways! I hate those damn mystery novels you love. Yeah. That's right, i was just pretending to care about the twist ending. You know what? I liked titanic. You did to. I was there. I remember you saw it like seven times in theaters. Oh now you claim its the worst movie ever, but do you think I've forgotten? No, i'm sitting a little bit behind you, staring hate beams through your neck as you talk about how titanic emotionally bankrupted a generation of movies.

Yeah. Ender's game. Great book. Until you got ahold of it. I used to read comics to. Tell i started going online and seeing all the stuff you had up on it, all your little web chats and your forums. All your petty arguments. Oh how could they kill megaforce X. He was the best character! one week, then the next week? How could they bring megaforce X back to life. This is totally messing with continuity. People wonder why comics are so screwed up and stupid? it's because of people like you. Not only do you read comics, but you, you also WRITE them. You spent 30 years reading them growing up and then the moment you get a chance to write a comic your mind swims "orgasmicly" with all the wonderful ideas you always had. All the ways you imagined the character and wished they could be. Oh it can be true.... who cares what rules exist already, what things are in your way. You'll kill any character, you'll write any new character, you'll give and take away powers, characters, settings, like playing cards until your favorite character is just the way you always wanted them to be.

And i hate you for it.

I also hate katanas. I don't know if you saw one to many samurai movies, or maybe you played chrono trigger a few to many times or what. I don't' care how many people you think they can cut through, i hate them. Yes. I still hate them even if the answer is 'infinite people'.

Yeah i hate unicorns. Especially if you think you are one. Dragons to. And any other mythical beast you may have been born as. No i'm not saying you can't have been one. I'm just saying you talk about them all the freaken time and it gets on my nerves and now, now i hate them.

But mostly i hate you. You have no boundaries. No little voice in your head that says when enough is enough. Your loves are unbridled disturbing and weird. Your attacks on things you feel don't quite match up with the strange pedestal image you have created of this... whatever your great love is. If you just took it a little less seriously, maybe, maybe there would be less hate...

But you won't do that will you? No you'll just get crazier and crazier, and I'll have to hate you more and more and more.

Don't worry, i won't tell you. Just like you won't tell me. I know you hate the things i love as well. Just let it fester inside. Dark and deep. Ware it can turn into cancer as all pent up things should.


As emo as can be.

I'm pretty sure that involves being red and a muppet and..... or is that elmo... either way. I'm not red or a muppet.


you guy REALLY, but REALLY hate otakus... or obsesionate people who talks like Mojo Jojo... wathever

all right, what i really love in this world (refering to your post and of course excluding the people i love) is the BucketheadĀ“s music (speccialy The Intraworld And The New Innocence)

Obsesionate........... that is the greatest word.... ever created by mankind. Obsesionate. It's... it's glorious. Beautiful. It's like a poem in itself.

OBSESIONATE! Sounds like the battle cry of something or other.


Thank you for that. You have made my day.

i like you

I like me to. I'm glad we have something in common.

i love u with passion,so what will u do to youself?

I'll buy myself ice cream! I like ice cream.

Nope, sorry, didn't like Titanic. I never watched it though. But that allows me to hate it.

If you're going to hate something. You might as well hate it without understanding or remorse. I commend you good sir.

So if I go on and on about you, you will hate yourself?


Sure. Why not.


Totally agreed!

Hey bitter girl, livejournal's that way --->

Really? it's right over there. Like it sits next to newgrounds? That's pretty neat. You could like trade pies between livejournal and newgrounds. Trade pies all day! Meat pies and cherry pies. Even like... chocolate pies!

I think it would have been more effective if it had been like "livejournal is THIS way." and this was a hyperlink. That would have been easier to understand, and wouldn't have made me wish I was trading pies with people. Or they were giving me pies.

so does that mean you love everything someone hates? like, for instance, i hate pokemon. does that make you love pokemon? HAHAH

Maybe If i was mirror me. come through from mirror world to seek revenge on the self that had so long gotten to hold the glory, a self that squandered their gifts of a normal life. Well they're the ones stuck in mirror world now! AND I'M FREE! FREEEE!

This is a very accuate description of the human psyche. No matter how much you love something if people keep on ranting about it it will get stale very quickly..

Exactly. Just like when you leave mayonnaise out in the sun.

I think I saw something just like this somewhere before....

Well, I hate ice cream so I guess you must hate it

Wouldn't that be love. You love ice cream so I must hate it. Which I don't. ICE CREAAAAAM! It's delicious and it tastes like cold.

As for seeing this some ware before. its possible. the world is a big place, two people do occasionally have the same opinions.

i love how after the first like 8 stupid ass coments you just dicided to say fuck it and stop replying

Or. I wasn't sitting around on newgrounds waiting each moment with baited breath for another response.

I rarely say the F word. It's just not nice.

i likea yu, do you likea me? yes or no i dont care, i got the same problem or whatever you wanna call it, lets not make sense together


I love flinching. the adrenaline rush- there's nothing quite like it.

... flinching is the best adrinaline rush you get? you must lead a very boring life.


much more dangerous then a raptor who hates itself.

And do you know what a response to that should sound like?
I love everything that involves you. Nah, that just sounds stalkerish. Ah well.
That's right. I do. If something loved you, with a passion, a seriously insane mindboggling(most likely sexual and almost never but it) passion, I'm most likely it. Or more likely, the only one. You won't notice it at all no, nothing like that at all. it will be a What the fuck was that? type of process.

Maybe I didn't once before. Maybe I didn't even know you until five minute ago. Maybe I just had a nervous breakdown and now I'm giggling in a fit of Insanity and you just happned to be the person right there. Oh you'll never know because you have no clue who the hell I am. I already love this.

You're scratching your head right now. I understand. Or you're scared that Iove this so much. That it's powering every word like a blue flashy thingie they call a lightsaber....Oh and animation is cool, and skantily-clad girls in skin tight wet clothes is friggin awesome......

It's not just this that causes the incoming fear...It's you. It's my Obsessive neurotic completely coming out of WTF land way that scares you. That's right, it makes me love you a little. That's right, I said it. I kinda love you. Or I completely love you like an insane nippon-ichi character borderline on insanity. Among other things as well.

I'll....Somehow be there, listening to everything that you've ever said. But there's only so many times that you can say anything at all. I want to hear more. Like how that's airporno and how it defies the laws of physics. And yes, I do carry a bible. My sacred bible of EVERYTHING ABOUT you in my pants.....oh but it feels so good fresh.....And I love it as well.

I love your neighbor Harry, I loved the Author down the street and his whole fans of Smut. I love everything that has to do with the number 69, it's a great number, and for some, it's a religion. It has Orgasmic written all over it. I'll be honest though, the titantic scared me. I don't know how, but it did.

Oh Yes. Stalker's game. Great book. Especially after you get hold of it. I always read web comics. Always have after I went on the internet. They aren't messing with continuity, IT IS CONTINUITY. Remember what they say, Insanity is infectious.

Oh how I love this.

I also love swords. I don't care if it's a katana or a wee lil butter knife. If we can see a person get shanked in the gut and sliced in two, we love it. Did I say we? I meant I people. Hehehe.....

No....I don't know what a unicorn is. Is that something composed out of universal corn? Imagination is not my thing.....Because reality never ceases to surprise you. Am I right? *grin*

And over everything, don't forget that I love you. I have no boundaries. Several little little voices in my head that tell me what to do everyday....what fun. My loves are borderline insane or.....You. Maybe, if became even more dedicated.....there would be more love?

But you're starting to think this is all impossible right? No, you're wrong. I'll just spiral down into the depths of your soul, and I'll have to go insane more and more....and more....

Don't worry, this isn't real. Because me writing this even scares me. Though it was fun. Very fun I might add.....I just told you now. I know you more then likely will get me banned or something....please just leave it outside. Away to be burned in the light. Where it can find solstice in the fact that it can turn to ash like all neglected things do.

Wow. This took a very fricken long as time. Sorry if this scares you. I was just extremely bored....Yeah. Damn.......You called the cops didn't you? Ah wells.....It was worth it...I think.

I didn't read that. but it's very long. So i'm sure there is stuff in there worth reading if anyone else feels like it.

....I'm kind've regretting leaving that as a comment. Yes....It's very creepy....Yes...It's very....everything thats sick and twisted. Yeah....I kinda think it needs to be burned with fire.

Please, fire only solves a very very specific problems. (such as monsters weak against fire)

You sound disturbingly like a female version of me O.o Please stop, if you haven't already. The world doesn't need another me. Or another person even remotely like me.

Or maybe you're the female version of you, and I'm the male version of me, and in the depths of time and destiny we created the human race.