I have a theory.
I am fairly sure it is not a new theory, as if it was entirely new that would make me dynamic, innovative, and cutting edge. I am and never will be any of these things, partially because I can't, and partially because they are scary.
Still, this theory, which I also don't even know if it really counts as a theory and not some kind of hypothesis, or stupid internet claim, is interesting to me. As this is the internet, I will assume what is interesting to me needs to be voiced in a public forum - this one!
The internet world is more 'real' then what is generally referred to as the real world. Which sounds ludicrously ignorant I know. Don't give up on me! I can tell the difference between fiction and reality most of the time. I'm aware that stuff on the internet is digital and not solid. That consequences for one's actions are fleeting if existent at all... well... sorta.
It's that last one there that makes me make the statement I have maked. We assume the internet is this place where you can say and do whatever you want without too many real world consequences. There are even tons of proposed names for the whole 'normal person' + 'internet' = 'assfacedclown'
It just seems to me, because there are no instant and dramatic consequences to a person emotionally or physically who is an assfacedclown online doesn't mean there aren't consequences. For example, in my daily life, off the internet, I probably interact with... let's see... piss off one guy on the road... one person at the shopping center when I take things out of their cart because I'm too lazy to ask where they got them... a few people here and there... some friends... let's go with twenty. I interact with and actually make any impression on twenty people.
With the power of the interwebs here, once I finish typing this, I'm going to assume about..... twenty... five... people will read this, and maybe think about what I said with my words and fingers. The scope of people in can effect if I use interconnection tools like books with people's faces on them, and - wait, why IS it called facebook? A face that's also a book sounds like a reference to the necronomicon! That is horrifying- other twitty like things.
Interesting, I say again. I find it interesting that in the fake digital world of bleeps and boops I can affect far more people. I am not famous, I do not teach, and I most certainly avoid molding minds whenever possible, but what I say and do on the internet not only finds a larger audience then my actions in real life, it is documented. Cemented in time to continue to effect things long after the moment I do them. It's almost like someone took a Polaroid of every time I did something stupid, or looked at porn, or ate a banana, and hung it up in the place I did that. A string of photos immortalizing every poor choice.
Sure, I can beat the old lady walking her dog right now, in her stupid purple hat that I hate and her stupid tiny dog that fosters inside me curdling rage beyond definition, and sure that would be quite real. But I'm not likely to do that. Yet if I saw someone put up a photo of themselves online in a similarly stupid hat, oh, I'd go to town. Like down town charlie brown.
Not that any of this really matters, the average person I know, that thinks being mean to other people on the internet in a direct attempt to enrage them is funny, seems emboldened by the idea. A few of them rushed right off to 'troll like I've never trolled before'.
In the end, I blame congress.
Or maybe the British parliament.
Perhaps even whatever the system in charge of china is called. I dub it 'Chinatowngoverment'.
Yeah okay, are you going to make another Legend of Link episode?
I unno.