View Profile Emptygoddess
Some day, i wish to be taller then i am today.

Jilliums Hilliums @Emptygoddess

Age 39, Female

Liver of life

Cool place


Joined on 3/13/07

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I claim the internet is more real than the 'real world'!

Posted by Emptygoddess - June 20th, 2010

I have a theory.

I am fairly sure it is not a new theory, as if it was entirely new that would make me dynamic, innovative, and cutting edge. I am and never will be any of these things, partially because I can't, and partially because they are scary.

Still, this theory, which I also don't even know if it really counts as a theory and not some kind of hypothesis, or stupid internet claim, is interesting to me. As this is the internet, I will assume what is interesting to me needs to be voiced in a public forum - this one!

The internet world is more 'real' then what is generally referred to as the real world. Which sounds ludicrously ignorant I know. Don't give up on me! I can tell the difference between fiction and reality most of the time. I'm aware that stuff on the internet is digital and not solid. That consequences for one's actions are fleeting if existent at all... well... sorta.

It's that last one there that makes me make the statement I have maked. We assume the internet is this place where you can say and do whatever you want without too many real world consequences. There are even tons of proposed names for the whole 'normal person' + 'internet' = 'assfacedclown'

It just seems to me, because there are no instant and dramatic consequences to a person emotionally or physically who is an assfacedclown online doesn't mean there aren't consequences. For example, in my daily life, off the internet, I probably interact with... let's see... piss off one guy on the road... one person at the shopping center when I take things out of their cart because I'm too lazy to ask where they got them... a few people here and there... some friends... let's go with twenty. I interact with and actually make any impression on twenty people.

With the power of the interwebs here, once I finish typing this, I'm going to assume about..... twenty... five... people will read this, and maybe think about what I said with my words and fingers. The scope of people in can effect if I use interconnection tools like books with people's faces on them, and - wait, why IS it called facebook? A face that's also a book sounds like a reference to the necronomicon! That is horrifying- other twitty like things.

Interesting, I say again. I find it interesting that in the fake digital world of bleeps and boops I can affect far more people. I am not famous, I do not teach, and I most certainly avoid molding minds whenever possible, but what I say and do on the internet not only finds a larger audience then my actions in real life, it is documented. Cemented in time to continue to effect things long after the moment I do them. It's almost like someone took a Polaroid of every time I did something stupid, or looked at porn, or ate a banana, and hung it up in the place I did that. A string of photos immortalizing every poor choice.

Sure, I can beat the old lady walking her dog right now, in her stupid purple hat that I hate and her stupid tiny dog that fosters inside me curdling rage beyond definition, and sure that would be quite real. But I'm not likely to do that. Yet if I saw someone put up a photo of themselves online in a similarly stupid hat, oh, I'd go to town. Like down town charlie brown.

Not that any of this really matters, the average person I know, that thinks being mean to other people on the internet in a direct attempt to enrage them is funny, seems emboldened by the idea. A few of them rushed right off to 'troll like I've never trolled before'.

In the end, I blame congress.

Or maybe the British parliament.

Perhaps even whatever the system in charge of china is called. I dub it 'Chinatowngoverment'.


Yeah okay, are you going to make another Legend of Link episode?

I unno.

when are you gunna grow up

I dunno. I find the idea of growing up to be a faulty one in general. The assumption that my sense of humor and pointless rambles are somehow linked to my overall maturity seems to me, to be a little lacking and hard to quantify.

So... not sure. let me know if it ever happens.

tldr i assume because everyone says exactly what they think on the internet without being fake

but then again you could say the opposite

i hope i summed it up


If I understand your mess of an argument correctly, you seem to make 2 points:

- What Starogre said
- People get more famous online than in reality

#1 Er.. correct? To an extent at least. It really depends on both the environment, the connection to the person and the anonimity of the situation. Sure, people tend to be a bit more vicious when they're nothing more than a few words.

#2 Extremely variable. I can see where you're coming from, it's certainly an easier task to accomplish. But what exactly are you saying?

#3 It's made, not maked. Your tagline is incorrect too, it's "taller than I am", not "taller then I am". Are you seriously 24?

sorry that's been bothering me since I visited your page

Maked is a far more entertifaning word. Also I don't think I'm saying anything, I believe the colloquial term is 'rambling pointlessly.'


Ah the trollololol. The most giggle inducing of creatures that live under bridges.

I understand your logic, but the foundation of the argument is based on semantics. You first have to understand that perception is not reality, it's just the small part of reality we can interact with and interpret through our minds. There are over 5000 different parts of the color spectrum we can mathematically calculate that are real but we cant see. Kind of how dogs can't see some shades of yellow and green but can see most shades of red and blue. If they had the same level of brain function we have and we weren't around to describe what yellow and green are then they wouldn't have the slightest idea what it would be like to see them. But does that make yellow and green not real?

To say the internet isn't real or is only partly real is totally missing the point. Just like our minds are a medium for us to perceive the small portion of reality we can. The internet is another medium to perceive a complex system of information and data to then by way of a browser and a computer format it to be processed by our brains. The only thing that matters is the effect on ourselves and others.

And just as the source for which semantics stems from you can't have an answer to absolutely everything just like you can't predict exactly how your effecting other people. The scenario changes and sometimes is unrepairable but if we dwell on fixing them all then you've totally missed the point. We have limited time and just as one mans hell is another mans heaven we should all just leave each other to our own devices.

If that's not a clear enough way to end this comment then let me put all the blame on BP and see if i can get reimbursed 5 minutes of my day for writing this.

Semantics wasn't the point, I'm not a big fan of semantics, and I was not attempting to confuse or mislead anyone with it. Somewhere in the rambling mess of my words, I was saying that the average person online has more of an effect on 'others' then they do off the internet, in the long run - possibly. So if all that matters is said effect they have on other people what point am I missing? The point that we should not hold each other responsible for our actions because of heaven and hell? That each moment is precious? That BP should reimburse you?

Because if you can get them to do that, sign me up as well.

Well you've influenced the minds and hearts of the many, many bored and uninspired teenagers across the internet. All of which amount to nothing in the real wo...er......um, well that....uh......place that is..um.....OH GOD I DONT KNOW ANYMORE!

My work is done.

It's not more real, it's part of the world itself, which we consider as real. Thus it's as real as the world. Then calling the world real is another debate.

I call the world pardarko, the Spanish squid.

I'm just waiting for our minds to be quantifiable digitally so I can be uploaded and have checksum's ran periodically to maintain the integrity of the data set so I can live forever in a completely mutable digital world. Then the internet being more real will not be semantics, but concrete :D But in a more existential way, yeah it depends on how you define the word 'real' I imagine the internet is truly more real than meatspace for a lot of people.

Yeah! Robot brains! The future!

hmm mmm

mmmm mmmh

It makes so much sense it hurts.

That might be the opposite, where it's just really stupid and it hurts.

Today on the REAL WORLD.....

...with bill McNeal?

Or was that deal... yeah that was deal. The real deal with bill McNeal!

Let's see... If I squint my eyes like so... and tilt my head to the right... the words look like a little city. Cities are in worlds. Which means, without a doubt, whatever you want it to.

Finally, someone gets me.

The "real world"?

I'm confused...

It's like the fake world, but it tastes better, because it uses real ingredients. It's not as good for you though, high in calories.

I guess most people already said this in many different ways but isin't all just a matter of perspective?
If you're somone that needs to touch, then this is not real enough for you as no matter how many people you can talk, see and whatever else the possibilites might be, it won't affect you in a way it'll make it just as important as the "real world".
On the other hand, if you're someone that doesn't see much point on the "real world" aside the very few people you like, meet and see, then the internet has more reason to become just as real as the world outside your window.
In the end, it comes to the reasons you put in what, where and when you do it, I'm not a good example myself, but personally, the "virtual world" is more real to me than the world outside my window as I see it as meaningless most of the time, but then it comes to other conflicts as the internet is a product of such world... Nevermind, not the point >.<

Liked your way of thinking though, hardly something most people never though, but ironically, hardly someone would ever try to say something about.
Nice one.

I more meant that through the power of social networking, sites like this, and so on, it's much easier for the average person to affect the lives of many with far less effort. You don't need to be famous, or even have a large amount of resources to successfully influence people. The 'effort' and 'resources' costs to 'amount of people effected' is far less on the internet. Sometimes.

Sometimes it's not.

I just think it's interesting that we often think of it and apply words like 'fake' and 'real' when as actual people are being effected, it's all real.

... also, Denver was the last dinosaur.


Finally! Someone that gets me.

You have opened my eyes. I must now blow up the internet. Tell me, where is the internet located?

Center of the earth.

Sounds like a cool feeling.

But life is still more real in a way that the internet will never be...


Unless they invent super internet secks add ons.

"A string of photos immortalizing every poor choice."

Or, it could just as easily be a string of photos immortalizing every good choice you make. However, after reading many of your posts, I believe your conclusion to be the more correct of the two xD

Now, if you will excuse me, I must point out to Kilawila, how many, and in what ways he contradicted himself.

Kierkegaard in da' Hiz-ouse!

You are correct about my choices.

people seem to find your posts confusing..
is it wierd that it makes more sense to me than most things i read on the tubes normalily?

anyways, though i agree with you on the subject as a whole, i think that at times, things said on the 'net can definitely have a direct physical and/or mental affect on the viewer

hehe, boops

why's the character limit in these wordboxes 8192 anyway?
seems kinda arbitrary

It's entirely bitrary. 8193 characters would be madness.

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