I'm getting the hang of it. It's like typing wth two really big lumpy ingers. If i go real slow i can not make any big misteakes. it's alot of work to fix them. I wonder how primordial man, with only two giant pig likehoove hands to type with managed to survive.
Oh, ym pinky has come unstuck. Now it does the most work. It will probably quickly grow tired, as itis the lazyist of feingers. Never pulling the weight it should and complaining, complaining like a dead chimponk ghost of a live cihimpnk. chi chipdmo crap. Okay, i give up on that sentence.
life is dfrent with fingrs stcuk. It is mch harder to drink f rm a cup for one. For two it hurts when you try to pull your fingers apart. On the upside, handpupetts are hrder to do. this seems bad, but i do them alot and smtimes i think they're plottng against me. So now i am free of worry.
But not fear.
It's cool hw the glue ges all warm when your skin is bonding. that's totayl the feel of sience.
Loctite super glue. conrol extra time. I hgly, highly suggest this glue. Exept the bottle gets clogged easy. had to use a socketrnech thing, hatched rench? small like hexigon rinch, to get glue out and finger stick.
But now i am truly happy.
Join me.
It is the ppath toenlightment and bliss.
Unless you are alergic to Cyanaocrylate. Then it is the path to skin reactions and inflamation.
Huh... ;ooks like i might be slighty alergic.
good times.
Your sticky fingers havent allowed you to recapture the stollen data tapes, or the clairvoyance to find the rebel base.
both good things. As someone hunting rebels, or someone who is a rebel but got lost.