According to Freud, every little girl goes through a period of obsession with, and desire for, a penis.
Freud was a very smart man and not at all unstable or weird. Here's the quick breakdown of the stages of it, thanks to Wikipedia.
1. Soon after the libidinal shift to the penis, the child develops her first sexual impulses towards her mother.
2. The girl realizes that she is not physically equipped to have a heterosexual relationship with her mother, since she does not have a penis.
3. She desires a penis, and the power that it represents. This is described as penis envy. She sees the solution as obtaining her father's penis.
... there's more. But that's disturbing enough.
My favorite part is how, once the little girl realizes she has no penis, her only option is to take her fathers. A line of thinking that is rational, realistic, and not at all psychotic.
The only women I've ever known that wanted a penis were women who wanted to physically become men in some transgender like situation. On the other hand, I've known a whole lot of men who seemed to actively desire boobs. Why do they want boobs? Just to have. You know, to have.
I guess boobs seem fun?
The moral of the story is that Freud just needs to get over the fact that no one wants to screw his mom. Not even his mom. Who is dead now, and if she did want to screw herself that would make her a necrophiliac.
true, but actualy its used more as a metaphor than an actual description of a girl wanting a penis.
A metaphore.... for penis.