All you funky kids nowadays with your popinfresh haircuts and your lollypop smiles seem to be all about the twitter feeds.
I don't like twitter. Mostly because I am old and it is new and scary. It frightens me. Upon threats from realities and friends I now have a twitter thingamabob. I will never post anything of value on this. It is a bunch of half nonsensical mini rants about nothing at all. Once I said I was on fire. This is the kind of highbrow entertainment my twitter feed provides.
So as to appear normal, I will tell you all to go follow me on twitter. This way you can stay updated on my day to day... well not activities, because I won't put those up there. But about once a month I put up five or so pointless blurbs. Sometimes I don't. Sometimes I just don't post on twitter at all. Imagine that.
So if you want to stay updated on my pointless blurbs, follow my twitter feed!
If you don't... don't... follow my twitter feed. That would be weird, and it would make you very much insane.
Thank you for your time.
All us "funky kids" don't tweet...
<a href=""> nline_mobile/teens-dont-tweet-twitter s-growth-not-fueled-by-youth/</a>
Congrats on being apart of 16%. Your really mainstream now...
so... one out every seven kids uses it? That sure seems like a lot to me. That's enough to forge an army, an army of twitter followers. Who could clense this land of evil... in fire!