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Some day, i wish to be taller then i am today.

Jilliums Hilliums @Emptygoddess

Age 39, Female

Liver of life

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Joined on 3/13/07

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Posted by Emptygoddess - April 28th, 2009

Warning: most likely this post has already offended you, and it does not get better.

Offensive words are funny. I think the most I've laughed in awhile was trying to make sure that this post's subject was properly spelled. Of course, n***a is a colloquial slang misspelling of the common racist word used to fling offenses at people of African American or occasionally other non white decent. The proper spelling of the word is n****r, (yup complete with four asterisk marks for added precision). Other uses of it include a friendly hello between very street savvy people of African American decent. At least if TV has taught me anything. Never having been on a street, I wouldn't know first hand of course.

Why would checking the spelling of n***a amuse me? Well, it turns out that the MS word spell-check will not ever suggest the proper spelling of n****r or cunt or other 'naughty' words. But, if spelled correctly, knows that's what I meant to spell.

Yes that's right, the MS Word spell checker has been taught shame.

This to me is really only a few steps from teaching it how to defeat us in a global battle of man vs. machine. I am terrified.

I spell the word n***a in this post because I remember a hilarious story involving that pronunciation. It was when a friend of a friend of mine was playing a sonic game. Now to properly picture this you must realize that this urban legend is a large black man. He is also a game tester. He was testing out the new sonic game and the new villain of this sonic game is an evil, shadowy version of the standard 'eggman' or if you're cool 'dr robotnick'

So the cut scene when something like this.

Sonic: OH NO! It's Eggman N***a!

Tails: EGGMAN N***A?!

Sonic: Eggman N***a!

Large black game tester: ....ooooh no.


Of course he's actually named eggman nEgga. As in negative, but it sure didn't sound that way the first time I heard the cut scene either.

I thought I would share, also I felt like using a word I should never use, like n****r. It's really not a nice word at all, with a long and quite painful history. Not being a n****r myself I have no right using this word at all and really should stop. My ancestors were not enslaved, and I know nothing of the music of the streets.

I'm sure someone is like 'what does streets have to do with n****rs?', I'm using a stereotype of hip hop culture for... hip hop? or is it rap culture. Or... I... are they different cultures? Is rap and hip hop the same thing? For that matter is there really all that much difference between country and 'rock'? Also how do people claim that Elvis and Tom Petty are playing the same kind of music. Does 'rock' just mean anything with drums in it? Are the drums the rock part of rock? or is it the guitar? Why did we ever lose the roll? Remember when rock used to roll?

Rock hasn't rolled in such a long time.

So in anger I'll call someone a cunt. It doesn't matter who. At least in the United States, that's pretty much the worst thing I can call a woman. Some kind of qualifier really punches it up. "you little-" or "lazy good for nothing-" or "I wish I had a-" if you're transsexual. The word cunt is alot like the word n****r. It's bad because it makes people feel bad. Which is sometimes good, if say you hate that person. So I guess it's kinda nice to have such words available. I mean if you have a black female friend who you want to end that friendship with in a truly dramatic and poignant way, well, I think you know how to do it.

It's funny how that happens, how words gain such incredible power. The words don't mean anything. The people using them and having them used on make the meanings. When someone wants to hurt someone, and they use a word, and it actually does hurt them, they'll keep using it. Until that word is associated with that hurt in such a way that people have to apologize publicly if they use words there are close to those words and a few people watching misheard.

Personally I think they're lazy. Like sometimes I hear girls, (once again this is in the US, I know the word cunt is used differently in some other places) complain that there is no good equivalent for that insult to a guy. He goes 'you stupid cunt' and they have nothing to shoot back at him.

Well, you could always point out that he's a really lazy insulter and clearly put no thought into it, just going to that dry well isn't impressing anyone. It's like if I was going to be racist, there are so many better things to do then run to an overused derogatory.

Now girls thinking there is no good insult to toss back just shows how ignorant they are on how to insult. Try pussy. What's funny is how similar the word pussy and cunt are. But you call a guy a pussy, he generally doesn't like that. You call a guy in the US a cunt, he'll probably just be confused and think you have mistaken him for a cunt (you know, a girl). But ladies, let fly something like "you cowardly pussy lipped cock sucker." Which I think is pretty hurtful.

The truth of course is that most guys who are going to call you a cunt to your face probably don't care enough about you as a person to be insulted by anything you say. So just go for the nut punch. They may become enraged and murder you, leaving a blood smear across the apartment wall, but if you did the nut-punch properly you have removed them from the gene pool and thus improved mankind.

Which of course brings us to fuck. I fucking hate the word fuck. It's overused like the fucking fuck fuck. Whatever fuck decided to start using fuck as the go to word needs to get capped.

An example of a sentence I actually heard. "That fucking fuck fucking fucked me. FUCK! I'm gunna fuck his fucking face."

And sometimes you see stuff like that in movies, in back and forth between characters. I guess it's trying to show the realistic way people talk? Or maybe the writers just are overjoyed the movie is rated R and they get more than one F word and forget there are other words? I don't know.

I kind of like the pg 13 rule of just one hard fuck. You use a word like fuck too much and it loses its fucking punch. Fuck. I mean I doubt that anything I'm saying at this point if you're still reading, has anywhere near the impact that the subject title did. But if you use the word fuck once a year, that's a good fuck. You can scare the hell out of someone with that fuck. Or you can really get off on that fuck. Or whatever you fucking do with your fucks.

And then there's the fucking holocaust. And the Nazis. If we want to get offense, have you ever tried walking around decked out in swastikas? I thought we had free speech. Oh and apparently "I'm getting in touch with my German ancestry." Isn't an 'appropriate' explanation. Also statements like "It's all right, I have Jewish friends." Just seems to make it worse.

Long story short I'm apparently banned from all bar mitzvah like things in the tri state area.

The truth is though people get a little hung up on Hitler and Nazism. It was a terrible hilarious thing that happened. But it is but one of many terrible hilarious things like it throughout history. And but one of many terrible hilarious things that will happen as history moves on, possibly involving me as a victim. Well hopefully not that last one, but I'm being realistic.

I understand that world war 2 was a very big moment in history, but I'm kinda sick of it. If I have to see one more special on Rommel the desert fox or hear another funny anecdote about exploding bats and nuclear bombs, I'm going to freaken start rounding up a minority and working them to death. I mean it. I'll freaken holocaust baby kittens if I have to. That should get a rise out of the YouTube generation.

YouTube watcher: This guy is killing Australians, he's hunting them down...

Other YouTube watcher: Yeah well this chick is killing KITTENS.

YouTube watcher: Oh fuck that bitch cunt. How could she. Those kittens were cute.

Other YouTube watcher: Australians are kinda cute.

YouTube watcher: Kitten cute?

Other YouTube watcher: 'Kitten is a ninja' cute, but not quite 'kitten waking up' cute.

YouTube watcher: Kitten waking up is a good one.

That imaginary exchange might have been exasperated by the fact that whenever someone links me to something on YouTube it involves kittens. Generally waking up. Apparently kittens waking up is the none porn equivalent of crack cocaine to net users.

When someone links me to something on newgrounds, I can say that it rarely has kittens, when it does they normally die. The common newgrounds themes seem to be unnecessarily violence. Gay jokes. Random pointless shock humor. And slightly offensive racist or sexist material. Mix and match as one wishes.

Which is overall superior to kittens.

This giant tirade about offensiveness caps off with anime. This is probably just me, but I've had some people react to the word anime as if it were a terribly dirty and offensive word. This seems silly. While I do admit I generally prefer the term 'Japanese animation' as it is more specific the word anime doesn't disserve scorn.

Anime is just the Japanese doing what the Japanese do best. Taking American things, such as the word animation, and streamlining them in an industrious fashion to make it cuter, bloodier, and have bigger eyes.

Thus animation is shortened to anime!

The prevalence of the popularity of Japanese animation has caused it to have as many popular things do, those people that simply hate everything about it. Despite the fact that it is far too wide a thing with far too many nuances and caveats to ever be able to claim one despises all of it without coming off as an ignorant fool.

Like those people that 'hate TV' but 'love movies'.

Stop it. You're not fooling anyone. We're on to you and we think you're stupid. There's no way you can watch enough TV if you don't watch TV to form a decent opinion about whether or not there's anything worth watching on TV. You have to be a TV watcher to do that, and most TV watchers clearly enjoy TV at least somewhat or they wouldn't watch TV!


I'll kill you. You'll go in the fucking labor camps with the kittens.

Well, I can honestly say that this is probably the first thing I've ever written where I'm a little worried if it'll get me into trouble.

I should probably just delete the whole thing. It is in poor taste.

Oh and the reason all the youtube's are spelled the way they are is because the MS word spellcheck? It corrected me. The proper spelling is apparently YouTube. Thank you MS word for knowing that, but not knowing what the fuck newgrounds is.

..............hope you enjoyed reading it.


tl;dr... n****r

you said it. I... i think. I'm really not sure.

You know the only reason you would go for a nutpunch is because that's the highest point you can reach...

I can only naturally reach about the upper shins. I have to get a step ladder for a nutpunch.


I've always wondered what the point is of informing someone that you didn't read their post. Do some people just look around for posts that are over a certain length to then say 'I didn't read it'? If so that seems like far too much effort to me.

I enjoyed reading this.

I think you're lying. And lying is mean. Stop being mean.

whoever sat down and read this should dip their head in boiling water

So people who just posted comments should only boil their hands?

Damn, I read most of it.

Your fault, not mine.

I don't think the Brits use the word "cunt" to insult women. We have "slag" and "moose" but "cunt" is usually reserved for other men, for example: "Barry is a right old cunt."

But if a woman wanted to insult a man her best bet is to undermine his masculinity, usually by implying that he is a homosexual or by accusing him of having a small penis.

But you do raise an interesting point about the way in which words are used to cause hurt and how that hurt gives them more power. It's a self propagating whirlwind of linguistic misery, and we are all doomed to die.

I always thought it would be quite a challenge to write some corny erotic fiction and try to get it published but without using ANY sexual or "offensive" words. Instead, you'd have to coin euphemisms from everyday household words. So if you were to describe a blow-job you couldn't say,

"Tina got John's penis out and stuck it into her mouth,"

but instead,

"Tina pawed at John's groin, distracting him from the tele. John looked down to find that Tina had stuffed her gob full of pork."

And later, to finish the chapter,

"The muscles in John's meat-gland clenched aggressively and he fired all his mint-sauce into Tina's eye."

Continuing this trend for about 60 years would result in ALL words becoming as offensive as each other taking some of the stigma out of our language.

Or you'd just make it so we'd no longer be able to use mint-sauce without feeling dirty.

Thanks for ruining my favorite kind of sauce.


clearly though, it was interesting enough to respond to. And that at least can fill me with giddy like joy.

i got up to "Offensive words are funny. I think the most I've..."

too longz >.<


waste of time

Who wastes more time. The time waster or the person telling the time waster how much time they are wasting.

The answer: ... i uh... i forget who's who in what i just wrote. I think i wasted more time overall though.

Told like it is.

I guess? I'm not sure if I was actually presenting any kind of world view so much as... saying stupid pointless things. But thanks! Also I got to learn a new offensive acronym thingy. Is tl;dr new? Or have I (someone who has diarrhea of the word) just somehow avoided ever seeing it before?

Kudos, I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. And i wasn't the least bit offended, maybe you can try harder next time xD.

I'd rather not... Try harder that is. Offending you isn't something I really have control over.


Stop that. unless you're going to give me money. Then you may continue.