View Profile Emptygoddess
Some day, i wish to be taller then i am today.

Jilliums Hilliums @Emptygoddess

Age 38, Female

Liver of life

Cool place


Joined on 3/13/07

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The reason for all the aforementioned res is that your simply, supposedly, a minority here. Its just our socially disfunctional way of showing our appreciation / primitive excitement(?, cant really word that one correctly) Think of it as if you were actually a typing panda, pretty ba. As for the comment on your sucess here, probably a joke, dont take it to seriously.

I assume it was. It just got me thinking on the subject.

And i am a badass panda. I know boxing. I am the boxing panda.

YAY! I'm very happy you've brought this to light. My girl gamer friends have a lot of the same problems and have pretty similar thoughts on this. We're not quite radical feminists, but we're almost there. The only thing about which we disagree with radical feminists is the whole "gender essentialism" thing. Uh... that was tangential.


Kudos to you!

It can be an odd concept. I do feel that often allot of the societal pressures on men and women have few biological components and are often just constructs. So I myself am not sure about gender essentialism either.

I would say something but there is already so much that has been said that I doubt you will even read this.

Sure i will.

ohno people are judging me on the internet ),:


You have a vagina: pics or it didn't happen.

(someone had to say it. this is the internet for god's sake!)

Well played Johnnybdesign. Well played.

wow a lot of people must have chickened out otherwise there were much more sexist comments here.
btw I agree with the guy above me ( johny... something in case people cut in front off me) pics preferable nude if you really are panda or a women, if your male keep your fur on.

I mostly just randomizemy profile settings :
male or female ( heads or tails: head for male, they have a big and a small one and women are fine pieces of tail).
location? what is closest to coordinates xx/yy in google maps hey I'm from a little village named biadki and I'm a commie. greetings comrads.
religion? whatmusician is playing for themoment? Peter Tosh --> Rastafari
These are 2 that get you the most comments. Why would I be a terrorist or a communist because I claim to be a polish Jew?
forumpeople are crazy , I can tell.

People often don't want to insult you if you ask for it. It takes the fun out of it. What's the point of an insult or comment meant to rile someone up if they don't seem to mind?

and I with my amazing deducting powers have come close to the thruth.

option A:
We will have unconsensual sex. (at first, I don't know which category necrofilia is)

Option B:
you are a gay panda and we will have consensual sex for I have a gay panda mating call mp3-file and protecting armor.

I think necrophilia is allot like masturbation. Only you're more likely to catch a horrible disease.

Also, if we're having sex, I doubt your protective armor will protect the important parts.

*shrug* there's nothing you can do. which sucks. I remember i pretended to be a girl once in a game and was amazed to see how other guys would be jerks to me or be really nice to me. it's like, even though there's no way we'll have sex or anything, they see something in getting on your good side. idk man!

I mean i could care less if you're a girl or a guy here on the internet. but so far i've found that forum complaining does nothing. and neither does arguing about it. I'm surprised i'm even commenting. XD but it's true the if girls use their.. cuteness or whatever. they can get things from weaker men. :O

oh and on newgrounds i'd bet that most of the community is guys. so i guess that could explain some of the.. shock. >_> even tho i doubt anyone will really overall get the message of this post enough and learn from it, it's still cool you posted it. good luck in the world of being a feminist or whatever. :D (i'm not being sarcastic there. people who think of girls as worse or.. less, piss me off. ._.)

Cuteness is powerful. Few will argue against the power of cuteness.

I have to agree with Masterfudgy, equality is there for women to take. Yes, some still make less than their male counterparts. But that is because a male is more likely to be aggressive in negotiating for a higher salary or a promotion. Gone are the days when a woman could be told "This is a man's job." In Canada at least that sort of thing is actually illegal. But it possible (and legal) as a white male to be turned away so that the company can fill it's diversity quotas.

Woman have the same access to power and influence as men, all they need to do is step into the breach and take it. More and more are doing just that. The best thing to do is follow their example and not let yourself be trodden on or ignored.

I know a very attractive woman who is a police officer as well as a a Lieutenant in the Reserves, she doesn't get whistled at or hit on because she carries herself with authority and bit of aggression. Women who catch static from men just need to take the male approach and tell whoever bothers them to fuck right off. So do that instead of writing a rambling manifesto about how mean and prejudiced young boys on the internet are.

Beats me as to why he put his sexuality on there. Who cares?

I didn't say they were mean. Just that they treated me different. For the most part the newgrounds community has been really nice!

And I don't know about the 'same' access. More than they have in centuries past for sure though.

Well I'll be blunt. Most of what you said was true, except for one thing Egoraptor pointed out. While I do believe he went a little overboard, the one thing that is true in what he said was something along the lines of "Newgrounds isn't a metaphore for life," but as I read from your response, this isn't all about newgrounds, however, for the sexism you de get on newgrounds, I must say it really really shouldn't bother you, as 90 percent of newgrounders are fucking idiots. Looking for a polite and intelligent newgrounder is the equivelent to trying to ride a bike with out legs. Chances are, you will not succeed.

Newgrounds is a metaphor for newgrounds though. As I was mostly talking about newgrounds, I think it works.

I've also found most people on newgrounds to be fairly intelligent if you'll believe that.

That's the problem with radical feminists these days, not nearly enough sack stabbin'. If you wanna get the world changed, the threat of sack stabbin' is a MIGHTY fine motivator for them wot be in power. You know. The men.

But wait, gotta leave something sexist here before I leave. Hmmmm.
Men should have paid maternity leave!

... I don't think I did that right.

Kidney stone leave? Uh... football... leave... reverse fertilization leave? Significant other maternity leave?

It appears you've got quite a few heated replies. Whether this was intentional or not, I know not. :/

Normally, I'd post some sort of weird/creepy reply that has almost nothing to do with the post, but I spoke to someone just yesterday about something similar to this, and it got me thinking a bit.

Now, I'm not going to sit here and tell you that I know exactly how you feel or anything like that, because I don't use girl monikers. But society today has certain expectations based on gender, race, cultural background, etc. Being Black, buff, and 6'1, people expect me to excel in basketball and/or football. I suck at those sports. I used to play soccer, but that isn't the point. They also expect me to know the latest lingo and dance moves, who the most popular rap artists are, and even on my girlfriend. In fact when I introduced her to my mother, she was a bit disappointed because she wasn't Black. I don't dance, and I don't like rap.

Anyway, what I'm getting at here, is that my skin color is a label, and with labels come assumptions. On the internet, your screenname and/or gender is a label, and with it comes expectations on how you should act, what you should do, etc. But because you are not living up to their expectations, not to mention offering some sort of proof that you are a female, that disappoints a lot of people, but they keep coming back with hopes that perhaps you will show a little boobage or a name or whatever.

Admittedly I'm racist. Sexist to. But racist is the comment that has to do with your response.

If I'm walking down a dark ally, and a large black male in traditional 'gangster' clothes approaches me from the front, and a large white male in traditional 'gangster' clothes approaches me from the back, at the same time. I am probably going to be more scared of the black man.

We all live life under a series of false assumptions. It's okay to make more and dirtier sex jokes if it's all guys around. Girls want to hear you tell bitchy stories about their friends. Asians can't drive very well.

It can be annoying, frustrating, and stigmatizing. Though it isn't the worst part about such things. The worst part is when people grow up and have been living with these label assumptions for so long, they apply them to themselves, and that person becomes their own labeler, oppressor, and so on.

As long as you know who you are completely independent of the labels racist idiots like me put on you, you're definitely doing better then you could be.

First of all, excuse me for the mistakes on the text (there's gonna be some, there always are) because this will be a little long and english is not a language I'm good at.
As you said, I can't know for sure if you are a female, a male, an androgynus panda, or my evil alter-ego I supposedly killed in the womb, and neither can you about me or anyone on the internet (you'll have to believe me when I say I am a man, but you'll probably notice anyway because of my machist statements). You could be fennotypically a women, but with XY chromosomes and some genetical issues. For practical purposses, it makes no real difference, but for the society there's a world between those four first conditions.

Why is that? I can only suppose. In this case, I think it's because the power the web has on the human kind. Our behaviour is modified, if just a little, when we are online and chatting or posting whichever site you can think of. Some beheaviour changes rather radically, some won't even be noted. I am the bully type you have seen on cheap series, I'm aggresive, dumb, and like to attack whatever moves too fast and it's smaller that I am, but here in the internet my physical strenght has no meaning and I will often try other methods of making my viewpoint other than the ussual "Agree or I'll kick you".

Similar statements can be noted in most people. Very insecure individuals that avoid human contact because their lack of social skills can, and most likely will, behave differently as they do in real life in the search for other expierences, different for the ones they already know. Take me as an example, I stated I was a bully; but I could be a four feet tall skinny kid with glasses as tick as they come, overcompensating for his or her lack of physical atributes (I´m not. Or am I?). Where am I going? I´m trying to compare the creation of an Internet profile, as the creation of a character at a novel.

While creating a profile, we first have a general idea of what we want it to be at the end. We paint the frame by giving it a name, a gender, and an attitude and general concept. After we are done then we build the details little by little, giving our profile a taste and an stereotype; and gender is a big deal out of it. There's a big difference between stating to be a gay male, or a gay female. But gender is not by any means all there's to it. The attitude you give to your words, the music you say to like, the kind of person you say to be; all of it, little by little, deffines the reaction you get from people regarding their own personal concept of a profile.

It's discrimination, plain and simple, all of the possible ones you can think of, incluiding feminism and of course, machism. In a forum or a chat, I will treat you differently on what you tell me you are. Chances are, that I will not praise a male for his looks, and I won't physically treathen a woman; among many other stereotypes that the society have practically written somewhere. People will most likely give me a little respect without meaning to if I state I'm a medical doctor, while writing that I am a very religious person would end in an atheist finding the slightest mistakes in my texts and exaggerate them trying to make me look like a fool, that ignoring my gender.

Trying to achieve the end of equal treatement in the internet it's a fools errand, on my subjective point of view, of course. But you made me curious, I will join a community pretending to be a female to be able to understand you fully. Until this date, all of my profiles are named "Akunoshi" and are pretty much the same; a physically aggresive mexican (is there any other kind?) student, that loves videogames and anime; so it's fair to say I don't have a clear idea of what you are talking about at receiving different treatment; and all I have prevously written are nothing but the conclusions gotten from the facts I have seen on the internet (may God bless it).

As for real life, you cannot seriously expect the way women and men are treated to be identical. As men, we are bags of testosterone that can't help but think about sex all the time; and acting accordingly is what we do the best. If a woman makes me angry, I would possible leave offended, maybe insult her; if a man made me angry, I would do my very best to tear him apart. As this example I can name many others of different treatment among genders, as I´m sure you could. I'm not saying that I like the way things are, I just state that I find very difficult the simple idea of trying to change it, maybe it's just the abyssal difference of gender role on the country I live in talking.

And now that I'm done rambling (feel free to ignore it, I just love the looks of my typing); I will do what I came originally to do here: Congratulate you for your work at the Zelda flash animations you do; female, male, hermaphrodite or super-smart typing panda, I love your sprite animation and script. An apology for maybe: boring you, offending you, and for my unevitable mistakes on this language.

I'm glad you liked my animations.

As for equality being impossible? Sure. It might be. But something being impossible doesn't mean you shouldn't strive for it. It I s often the impossible things we should try hardest to grasp, because there are so many worthwhile things along the way that we may find.

-Enter Blurb-
-Enter sexist comment-
-Write a long paragraph till reader agrees or become bored and ignores comment-
Ha, I win!

We were not competing.

That's pretty interesting, thanks for sharing your observations there. I'd often wondered about the differences wrought by the single gender modifier on the net(I've seen it in games, but not forum or posting sites). I'm not one to go about finding out myself, so it was cool to finally get a picture on the differences in net attitudes towards males and females, and even the bonus note on a gender neutral persona.

The only thing I can think of for the bizarre behavior is that there are fewer females roving the inter-webs then guys(despite what many wish to believe in their fantasy worlds to the contrary of this reality), and most of the vocal/loud males on the net are odd, socially akward beings.

People have an inherit need to label things also. As to why they need to label a website entity's gender, there's probably a bunch of reasons but you're likely right. It's probably due to an unequal view of the genders. People feel they need to act differently depending on their audience, I guess gender must one of their factors in determining the audience. I'd say not to be to hard on most folks though, they could be raised as such, culturally and/or via their parents. Just being taught "Don't talk like that in front of ladies" can have a long lasting impact. Heck, they may want to know a persons gender just to alleviate that childhood lesson of how to speak depending on a person gender even.

I have played female healers in some MMOs and I noticed people, mainly new ones I was grouping with for something, treated me differently than normal such as when playing my "main" male character. Even though I typed/"spoke" the same.

I doubt this problem will ever abate, but if it can be done anywhere it'd be on the internet where we're all, as you put it, "a floating wall of text". Time will tell I guess. As for myself, I only care about the content of posted material.

Thank you for your input floating wall of text.

well said

your points are well stated and i can do nought but agree

but is thor really the deity best suited to protection?
surely odin, the wise, with his twin ravens would be a better force to ward of unknown harm..

or maybe heimdall, guardian of the gods and the bilfrost bridge, that which links asgard and midgard..

religious matter put aside, however,

bewbs .__.

Why don't i just invoke Ganesha the remover of obsticals then?!


All good things start with good introductions, at least that's what Miss Crank taught me in 4th grade", so ill start this off with a good old "Hello". I find the length of your passage to be rather long and love how you chose to use reverse physiology on your audience by telling them to skip to the end. And i really have no counter arguments to your various points. But what i see that really is in need of pointing out is the huge responses youv brought from simple people. Effort is something most people aren't willing to give out for free and obviously through your plane white text youv been able to inspire people to act (even though most effort was against you). i dont really understand how you feel, but i respect you for being able to express yourself through diction. And most guys that lash out on the internet against posts like this one are simply trying to get a funny reaction and by not falling for that you show that you are an intelligent person. And for that too you have earned my respect. I am but floating words on a screen to you, so i dont know if that means anything to you, but it does to me and im glad i said it. ^__^

Floating text high five! *high five!*

This isn't the real supergenx, I'm just useing his computer. (He's standing next to me actually)
I think you pretty much sumd it all up! I have noticed that to, and it's getting really annoying. People used to send me this in a PM: ( . Y . ) me love u long time =3
On a different note, supergenx and I can't wait for your next LOL video. (if u plan 1) He just told me to remind you of this: SONOFABITCHASPIDER! L8R!
[Now I'm back]
I just have to ask, why do people do that anyway? I thought that comments like that were not alowed due to the Commenting Rules. Did they get rid of it, or did they just forget about it?

I'm pretty sure that a comment has to be marked as 'suspicious' by people before its checked. All comment banning it done by a person not a bot. So if it doesn't seem to be bothering anyone, or someone misses it, it'll stay up.

no sex from you?
is that you already got somebody or that you dont trust the internet in that they are who they say or seem like?

It means i'm not going to have sex with you.